
Saturday, June 22, 2013

FEI WJC FINAL 2013 (Day 4): Semi-Final 125cm

Live report from Team Thailand at FEI World Jumping Challenge FINAL 2013, Caracas, Venezuela (End of Day 4 / 21 June 2013)

Today's Semi-Final was intense as 4 out of 12 riders will be selected into the Final. There are 5 clear rounds including SIN, THA, DOM, MRI, PAR and then it went to the jump off. Isabel DOM got a clear jump off round while the rest took one rail down. At last, our two Asian girls Janine SIN and Siengsaw THA finished in 3rd and 4th place and made it to the FINAL!!

Siengsaw mentioned after the Semi-Final round that,

"We are getting better and better everyday. We ride every day and every round with no regret and try to make the most of every opportunities as possible. So glad we are finally in the top 4! No matter what happen I will do my best and am very proud to represent Thailand here!! Thank you to P'Ae, mum and P'Kung who are here to support me and thanks to every support back home too! :)) "

The following names are the top 4 riders who will participate in the Final:
Dominican Republic - Isabel Sanchez
Republic of Mauritius - Phillipe Burckel
Singapore - Janine Khoo
Thailand - Siengsaw Lertratanachai

The Final is scheduled on 23 June at 12 pm. All riders will compete with the rotation of horses. In the first round, each rider will compete with his/her own horse and then for the next 3 rounds will ride 3 other horses which belong to other participants.

Siengsaw THA and Templario. Photo courtesy of Onuma Vechkun/Siamsport

Janine SIN and After Eight Z. Photo courtesy of Onuma Vechkun/Siamsport

Siengsaw with her mother Penpisut and coach Akkasit. Photo courtesy of Onuma Vechkun/Siamsport

Asian Power! Both Singaporean and Thai team finally made it into the Final!

Results for Semi-Final 21 June 2013

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