Photo courtesy of HorseMove Thailand
「浪琴表香港馬術大師賽」是亞洲首個國際馬術障礙賽,亦是亞洲唯一獲授予五星級資格(CSI 5*) 的馬術賽事。由香港馬術總會協辦的「浪琴表香港馬術大師賽」,連續第二年獲大型體育活動事務委員會列作「M」品牌體育活動。為期三天的「浪琴表香港馬術大師賽」將設六場矚目的五星級馬術障礙賽。屆時,全球最頂尖的騎手將聯同他們的愛駒雲集香港,競逐高達 100 萬美元(約780 萬港元)的巨額獎金。
The Longines Hong Kong Masters (LHKM) is Asia’s first international show jumping event and only five star accredited (CSI 5*) indoor show jumping event in Asia on the equestrian calendar. Co-organized by the Hong Kong Equestrian Federation, the Longines Hong Kong Masters, has received for the second year, the prestigious M Mark Status by Hong Kong’s Major Sports Event Committee. The event, which takes place over 3 days, comprises of 6 competitions where the world’s top elite riders and their horses will compete for a prize of USD 1 million (approx. HKD 7.8 million).
The Longines Hong Kong Masters is more than just a sports competition; it is Asia’s first sports meet social event that combines spectacular sporting action, glamorous entertainment and show.
Make sure any of you don't miss one of the biggest horse shows in Asia!
Watch Live from the Organizer "Masters Grand Slam" Website HERE
Live Schedule for Bangkok time
For Hong Kong, you can watch live from TVB Pearl Asia
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